Lots/blocks on-site being sold as part of CMHC’s Federal Lands Initiative
A little over 100 affordable housing units were enabled under the former Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative and the current Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Federal Lands Initiative.
In 2006, Canada Lands acquired the Pleasantville property from Public Services and Procurement Canada. The property is in the east end of St. John’s.
The site, 26.3 hectares (65 acres) is a former American and Canadian military base that was built during the second World War. At acquisition, the property contained a wide variety of buildings and facilities. The Department of National Defence retained approximately 8.1 hectares (20 acres) for the construction of a new armory and administration building, which opened in 2014.
The current development concept, approved by the City of St. John’s in 2009, calls for a primarily residential development with a mix of housing types, including townhomes and single-family homes, apartment and condominium units, open space, local commercial and recreational opportunities, and a stormwater management system.
Phase 1 (eastern portion of the site) has new services and roads installed and several development blocks have been constructed, including affordable housing. A little over 100 affordable housing units were enabled under the former Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative and the current Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Federal Lands Initiative.
Canada Lands is in the process of exploring options for the positioning and sale of lands within Phase 2, which is approximately 10.7 hectares (26.5 acres).