Thank you for attending the March 30 community meeting.
Thank you to everyone that was able to join the Community Consultation Meeting hosted by the City of Toronto on March 30th. Canada Lands appreciate the time and feedback community members shared at the meeting as well as over the past few years as we’ve worked to develop the William Baker District Plan. The presentation from March 30thCommunity Consultation Meeting can be downloaded directly here.
On April 28th we re-submitted our District Plan application and phase 1 development applications to the City for a final review. The re-submitted application includes proposed refinements, which were shared at the March 30th community meeting and are described in the our latest Bulletin. The re-submitted District Plan and supporting documents are available on the City of Toronto’s website here. Following the City’s review, the District Plan and phase 1 development applications will be presented to North York Community Council (NYCC) and City Council for review and approvals. The City has indicated that they are targeting the District Plan Phase 1 applications to be presented to NYCC and City Council at the June and July 2022 meetings, respectively.
For any questions about the William Baker District Plan, please email James Cox, Acting Regional Director at Canada Lands, @email and/or Perry Korouyenis from City of Toronto Planning, at @email.